I have to ask.....why, when our fellow African-American (Black) brothers and sisters make a success, or what appears to be a success of our lives, we turn our backs on our other "brothers and sisters"?
What I mean is this. I am an up-and-coming entrepreneur who hasn't fully landed on a solid foundation of what I am attempting to do (beyond gaining my own financial freedom), but my struggle continues. Whenever I see a fellow brother who has the appearance of, or has made a success of his/her lives, I am ALWAYS quick to say hello, or at least give a reassuring/I'm proud of you "what's up", or head-knod, but what I get back in return for my cordial attitude is....nothing! Why is that?
Why is it that when our brothers/sisters "make it", they all of a sudden become too good for us "regular-folk"? I've been looked at as if I'm a groupie, or "all on their jocks" as if I'm looking for a hand-out or something. For those of you who really know me, you all know that I am intelligent, focused and very professionally business-minded, and the last thing that I look like is a thug or something. So when I give that look of pride to a fellow brother/sister that is currently where I am trying to get, it hurts to not get a positive response, if any response at all.
This is similar to my "
Crabs in a Barrel" blog that I did a while ago stating that us as black people can't stand to see one of our own become a success, or get ahead without dragging the rest of us along for the FREE ride, but the difference is, I don't want the FREE-Ride. I want the information! Just teach me, or tell me what you know, or what you did to become a success so I can earn my own. Taking hand-outs is not my thing, and for all who know me, you know that to be 100% true! I work day and night to get what I have, and if someone could show me a quicker, more efficient way, I'll do that, but don't be afraid to let me know what you know....unless you're afraid that I'll surpass you in your own profession ;-)
I just find it a little troubling to see how our own treat each other. We should be focused on our success as a whole, instead of leaving others you consider beneath you behind.